Wednesday 23 August 2017

As we write this at 1830 sitting in Middelfart Marina the yachts are pouring out, some of them sailing out from their pontoons, all with large crews of stocky men. We surmise it is a club race night. Sadly for them the wind is very light as it has been all day.

We've had a splendidly gentle afternoon, catching the bus into Middelfart, strolling around the town and quayside - an icecream here, a coffee there, a lovely church, a cemetery where individual plots were little gardens edged with yew hedges, a huge charity shop, some very old buildings. Pics galore. We did a food shop in the one supermarket and were 70% successful - some things you just can't find but gradually you substitute - at least we're in one country for 2 weeks now.

This morning from 9 til 12 we motored up from Assens in a flat calm and for 45 minutes we were in fog which we were not expecting. We blew our little horn every 2 mins as prescribed. Then a huge horn sounded behind us - it was a tanker overtaking us. Hmm that's the other rule ... get out of the shipping lane. There's very little commercial traffic about it seems, but there's always one in fog.

So there's our day in reverse. We're back in the cruising groove.

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