Saturday 15 July 2017

Strange journey

We had not expected to blog the taxi-train-train-plane-underground-train journey home. However two events made in memorable. 

On the platform at Flensburg we were approached by an elderly 'character' to take his photo in front of a Danish train (pic) and he then regaled us on his enthusiasm for Sherlock Holmes - he was wearing a deerstalker and many badges - and he pressed upon us a picture of Basil Rathbone in the gear with a picture of him alongside which he'd obtained on a visit to the hallowed ground of 221b.

On the train to Hamburg we were joined by a hundred or more people of various ages dressed colourfully and with mad wigs (pic). They began drinking and singing at 11:30 and decided to congregate in our carriage. Funny at first, then slightly wearing, then downright irritating. We moved three times to get away from them.

As a final grump, BA at Hamburg is a tiny operation with no self-service kiosks and glacial queues reminiscent of the 1990s. We look forward to our arrival into Heathrow Terminal 5, the planning for which Nic worked on 10 years ago.

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