Friday 16 June 2017

Vaults and croquettes

Amsterdam is like an over-large ice cream. You can never consume enough of it in the time you're given. We had one day today in which we lunched and dined with two (unrelated)dear friends, visited the most decorative bank vault in the world and the biggest handbag museum, and watched fluffy ducklings zooming across canals. And we chugged back on the free ferry at 10 pm watching the bright lemon sky. This city still leaves you wanting more.
Lunch was the Dutch speciality of prawn croquettes with Lesley's old friend Peter. Dinner was steak with Nic's old friend Eric. And in between we visited the Amsterdam City Archive housed in a former bank where the vaults are an art deco riot of colour done out for the wealthy visiting their safety deposit boxes. It's a free and fascinating way to learn about the city.
Next came the Handbag and Purse museum and yes Nic and Eric lounged in chairs while Lesley raced through the 3 floors in half an hour to see the extraordinary collection. A dull grey Thatcher handbag, green Madonna bag and a glitzy Elizabeth Taylor were among the big draws but actually the best stuff were the handmade beaded bags from the 1920s.
Now back on the boat we can hear fireworks. It's been a perfect day and tomorrow we leave for the trip north through the Orangesluis and toward the Baltic.

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